Environmental Policy

Environmental activity, from protecting the natural environment, preventing pollution and enhancing environmental performance, has become a keystone of our business. The Ilac Shopping Centre recognises the importance of taking a proactive, strategic approach to environmental management and strives to be at the forefront of this area within our sector.

We comply with all relevant legislation and other requirements to which Shopping Centres subscribe, and strive to exceed legal and other requirements where possible. By conducting periodic internal and independent reviews of our progress, as well as through engagement with stakeholders, we aim to achieve continual improvement.

Through the implementation of our ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System, we will work to: 

  • Prevent pollution and protect the natural environment from harm and damage as a result of our activities.

  • Determine our compliance requirements.

  • Ensure all our activities are carried out in compliance with current environmental legal, regulatory and other compliance requirements.

  • Develop objectives and plans to help us improve our environmental performance and achieve a level of continual environmental improvement.

  • Increase and promote our resource efficiency and environmental sustainability.

  • Work in consultation with the landlord (Hammerson) to achieve the requirements of the the Positive Places Framework and Net Positive 2030 ambition.

  • Improve our waste management practices, reduce energy consumption and promote environmental sustainability.

  • Monitor and check our environmental performance and evaluate our level of compliance including legal, regulatory and other requirements compliance.

  • Identify and correct environmental nonconformities with practical corrective actions.

  • Communicate and consult with our staff, subcontractors and Centre tenants to improve and enhance their level of environmental awareness as well as to initiate environmental improvement measures.

  • Continue to improve the environmental management system so as to enhance our environmental performance and to achieve our environmental objectives.

This policy shall be controlled and maintained as part of our EHS Management Systems. It will be available to interested parties and members of the public on request from the Operations Manager.